Exercise To Feel Better

Six pack abs, tight, toned legs, and sculpted arms are certainly a positive side effect of a consistent workout regimen coupled with consistently eating a nutritionally balanced diet. But there’s something else that doesn’t always get the headlines that’s more important than all of that. That’s how you feel!

Working out to feel better

Getting into a good rhythm of exercising in a way that works for your lifestyle and your body will ultimately help you feel better. Maybe you’ll develop less knee pain. Or mayb you’ll be able to get up and down from a chair or from the floor with more ease. Maybe you’ll begin sleeping more soundly or you’ll be able to come off medications that we’re creating negative side effects or reactions in your body. The list goes on and on.

The bottom line is that when you regularly exercise, your body thanks you, and you feel better.

I’ve never exercised as an adult

You don’t have to be a fitness expert or have any experience at all to work out. Of course, you should consult with your doctor before beginning anything new, so be sure that you check that box. But, you don’t have to be an expert or have any past experience. You just have to start.

That can start with five minutes of walking a day. It’s really simple. For our Boldly Fit crew, we develop programming for all fitness levels. Reach out to us get a sense for what might work best for you. The two most important things to remember are:

  1. You have to start somewhere.

  2. Consistency over time matters.

Accountability and support for your fitness journey

Sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation you need to get started and remain consistent with your workouts. This is true even when you 100% know it’s what’s best for you. Sounds counterintuitive, right? We get it. Especially when exercise hasn’t been a thing for you for many years.

Accountability and support means so much, and there are so many ways you can build it into your journey.

  • Ask a friend to start the journey with you and send check-in messages or have a weekly call with them

  • Hire a coach (hello Boldly Fit Crew 😊)

  • Start in-person personal training (we’ve got you there too)

  • Set auto alerts on your phone to encourage your journey (especially important for days when working out is the last thing you want to do)

Know that you are capable of making exercise a priority in your life and that there are programs that will literally meet you where you are and move at your pace while encouraging you to be consistent.


4 Reasons Why You Need Resistance Training


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